It's sort of amazing. They go together somewhat: chickens and gardens. The gardens provide cover, insects, and sometimes a flower seed pod or fruit that really doesn't belong to them. They've trompled over some of my flowers that have already been spent for the year. But I know it will grow back in the spring again. Really. I just know that they belong there. Those chickens. Eating the pests and pooping their fertilizer, aerating the soil they scratch. It's sort of zen when you think about it. I've lost a few morning glory seedlings and my mulch has been dug up in a few places with dusting pits in the wake of chicken engineering. But I seem to be okay with it. Maybe it's because they run up to me everytime I see them greeting me...checking for treats too, I'm sure...but I know they sometimes don't see a bowl or dish and they still run up. A small seedling or plant in sacrifice is surely worth this. I'm glad I have more sturdy hydrangeas, mums, mint, peoneys and such. Pictured on the garden table is Sylvia and Lily (she loves heights), Hans and Rosey and the Cochin Bantam Duke. He just got done crowing in this picture. He thinks he's king of the garden.

Lily and Hans taking advantage of the Heights
in the Flower Garden.
Dusting Pits under a large White Pine in our Yard.
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